Thursday, January 6, 2011

Science v/s God

Well I am neither planning to be a religious nor a spiritual guru (by the way religion and spirituality are different concepts, which I will bring out sometime later). But that does not stop me from expressing my views on these. Well at the outset, I would like to apologize to people who might be offended by my views or opinions.
The daily happenings in and around us can be explained by science. So the sprouting of a seed to a newborn baby everything is nothing more than science. Sprouting of seeds – the soil gives it the required chemicals & support and the weather aids it and bingo – Seed has sprouted. Baby is result of a fertilized ovary thanks to the sperm and bingo - baby is born. What earlier was perceived as miracle and led to the belief of god, today science has leaped places and can give simple answer to almost everything that happens around us.
Well let’s get back to my own favourite topic of world creation.
Just like all animals we, humans were also a part of the wild only in a less developed stage than today. Imagine a life in the wild where just like animals our daily needs included food, clothing and shelter. The needs were basic and so were his fears. Needs – Good hunt and Fears - death. So he believed only in two powers one that granted wishes (Positive - GOD) and other that harmed (Negative - Devils). This was true across all tribes then.
Man started civilizing, his needs and desires multiplied and so did his ideas of powers. So he started conceptualising powers for his every need and every fear. This was basically to identify his need / fear to a particular power. Resultant, today we have innumerable power centres across the world.
So, it could be easily concluded, Man based on his ideas and fantasies has created the concept of “GOD” as Science (claimed as evil power by many theist) can not only explain but also replicate the natural miracles, birth itself was not spared - cloning – being the biggest scientific accomplishment of all times.
Atheism Vs Theism
Loosely defined, these words would simply talk about ‘belief’. So a theist is a believer and an atheist, a non believer. Imagine a person with no belief - the thought itself is ridiculous. Well, the problem with atheism is – the fundamental law or rule – non-belief- on which the ideology of atheism is build seems to have no constancy (does not hold true under all circumstances) – a very basic need for any law to be accepted and applied. Consider, an atheist – non-believer lives his life does his routine chores believing he will continue to live for the next moment. When there are possibly hundreds and thousands of forces to ensure otherwise. A small mishap can be fatal enough to kill - life is unreliable Imagine, every morning an atheist opening up the entire car to ensure all the parts are working fine before he actually drives – hope no atheist really does that but that does not stop him from earning, saving, investing and buying things for the tomorrow - future. Obviously, he does believes he will continue to live - so in reality he is believing there is something beyond his and everyone’s control that ensures he survives against all these odds, which we can safely call Power (No harm in calling it a super natural power) So an atheist is ideally not a non-believer but a person who does not accept that power is god. So, an atheist is an ignorant and not really a non-believer in a strict sense.
Some of you will try and defend calling all these as nothing more than science, math - from a seed sprouting to an earthquake – everything can be explained by science ... right??? But my science- friends probably cannot explain how does the needed experimental condition (Right soil, climate etc), that involves a lot of time, money and energy to replicate in the lab - is already present there naturally (For my math friend it is f (seed sprouting) = f(rain, temperature, soil, insects, pest, natural calamity etc- much more then we can even think of ) who ensures these ??? so we might be able to imitate the nature ( Thanks to our relationship with Apes) but we cannot actually answer the bigger question – like existence of ourselves - just an combination of ovary and sperm cannot be human – and what about the gender ( XX /XY) and many such questions??? If we humble are ourselves to know the reality we would end up with only one possible answer there exist a power, which decides and controls things that is beyond the boundaries of human knowledge. This power is super natural, divine and for centuries we have been calling it ‘GOD’ (May be differently in different languages but the inherent meaning remains the same).
So for my atheist friends – when the principle itself has no base, your argument too will have none. So where the limits of your senses lose its sensation – it’s exactly where the power starts to work.