Thursday, December 20, 2012

Delhi rape- seems to be just another fad(news)!

A horrendous crime at the capital and the todays youth are already on their toes(. I mean finger tips ).. updating status on Social media sites thinking voicing their opinion would make a difference that matters!?! Some say give the culprits capital punishment.. Some say castrate them.. Some say give them a slow and a shameful death.. Gurls / guys have equal consensus that the culprits should be punished... But if punishment was a mean that ensures crime stops then what happened post satwan singh ( indira ganghi's assasiner - hanged)  One more prime minister was assassined. ( Incidentally indira gandhi's own son) We did hang kasab so it means no more terrorism??? These criminals should be given severe punishments but that is just an post facto reaction to their actions.  Which is so passive and no way ensure such offence comes to an end. And your candle light marches or FB status hardly counts may be it would give the victims family some condolence and you a false feeling of being socially responsible but that is simply not sufficient. We should rise beyond this petty opinion forums/ sensational news because all this is short lived fads that add the needed tafka to our otherwise boring lyf!  But in actuality all such instances give us an opportunity to do a reality check of our society and security & safety.

If you analyse -The crime took place in "delhi" and culprits were "non- localities"- the topography of delhi is such that its accessible from four different states within a 3-4 hrs of drive - making it easy for criminals to commit crime and escape to the neighbouring state before the crime is even known.  This is not an isolated incident !!!
it simply means higher patrolling is needed both police and medical.
It would be more important to understand the pyschies of such criminals and address the issue - it would involve raising awareness about sex education, respecting other gender and knowing the law being some of it.
The victim was lying on the road - how many of us would have actually helped her ?? All of us are too good at joining forum/FB groups but a timely help would have meant more than anything. Infact the yelling and screaming while the crime was committed would have fallen on deaf ears of the passers.

Some neutralist say " no doubt the act is horrible but punishing the offenders with equal brutality would mean our society at large going insane and barbarian".. these stupids probably think we should apply gandhi's idea of " if some one slaps you on ur right cheek, show them your left!" So applying the same logic i believe we should offer such (un)humanitarians  to these culprits to satisfy their left over part of their lust.
I even read some ppl discussing about how girls dress code motivates such crimes and gurls shouldnt roam about at such hour... as precaution is better than cure !- stupid as it sounds and talks a lot about the society we are in..  Cos hidding your gurls doesnt make the society safe it jus gives you a false sense of safety and about clothes its individual choice . it is always known that suppression  motivates crimes more than anythng.

Instead lets all participate in making the society safe by being responsible for each and everyones safety!

Be the change you want in the society!

And for the punishment of these delhi culprits i always believe in the saying " you should do to others what you want others to do to you" i think they have already hinted us with a "rod".