Saturday, March 13, 2010

“U” and only “U” are responsible for the EVIL around “U”.

Many a times, it easy to find faults in others and how interesting it gets when you actually get into inspecting into details why someone has done something wrong/ illegal? But if you ever have done the inspection thoroughly you would know that you are equally responsible for the act.
According to bible god has created everything for us to enjoy. But evil had decided to make use of greed as a weapon to bring human on his side. Gluttony or more commonly referred as greed can take any form and more and more people are getting into the clutches of greed.
Lets us go to the beginning of the world, in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve who had everything but the forbidden tree. Eve became greedy, and against all the trees and fruits, she decides to eat from the wisdom tree and Adam quickly pursues and that’s when it all started. Thereafter, greed was just to overwhelm us every time in every possible way.
Today, we have decided our boundaries and earmarked our properties to ensure we produce and sell what we want & at whatever price we want. Infact, we have justified our increasing greed as inflation.
What is inflation?
It is a rise in the price of goods.
So, if a farmer knows his product(Paddy) has a good demand and decides to mint money he simply raises the price and calls it inflation. Assume another farmer, who probably is selling oranges, decide to buy paddy, he has to have more money so he sells his oranges at a price higher than last year. This is a chain reaction from primary goods it passes on to secondary goods and then to tertiary. In the process everything becomes costlier. If you analyse you will find interestingly the intrinsic value of the product has not changed only the greed of the farmer has, which we have accepted and named it inflation.
So if everyone becomes greedy and decide to sell their products/services etc at a price higher because someone out there is ready to buy as he can afford it, what actually is happening is that we are denying others, who need but can’t afford, the opportunity to buy. Money is just one of the mediums to buy, other mediums include steal, cheat etc. So the denied member tries to satisfy the need by using one of these or tries to earn more money, either legally or illegally – both of which is dangerous as we are only inculcating greed.
More money earned by any means only gives you more of ‘disposable’ income allowing you to buy much more than you need and would cherish- imagine three member family living in 4000 sq. ft. house - ridiculous as it could be, but what they surely have done is denied a needy - a house.
Today we are keeping our people starving just to feed some other nations for better margins. As mentioned earlier everything was created for “us” and not “US”. But today we want to export everything because that is more profitable but at what expense is the question??? Father of the nation once said there is sufficiency in the world for human need but not for his greed. Just like god has created everything for you, he has created it for others – so everyone needs to have their own share, so that they don’t have to indulge in something against you or the society at large.
So the next time you feel a little greedier to buy a little more, a little extra just remember you would be responsible for the evil that will follow your purchase.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thoughtful attempt to emphasize greed as a strong factor for sin around us!